Up To 10,000 Commercial Cleaning Leads Per Month For $150
Up To 10,000 Commercial Cleaning Leads Per Month For $150
Are you tired of struggling to find new commercial cleaning clients?
Your website is loaded with them.
Problem is, you never know who they are until they fill out a form or give you a call.
With Nurturelyx, you can install 1 line of code on your website and instantly turn 12% - 21% of your website visitors into real sales leads you can follow up with today, tomorrow, and the next day.
The data is already yours, Nurturelyx unlocks it & gives it to you.
How many leads will I actually get?
It all depends on how much website traffic you get each month. Whatever that number is, multiply it by 0.15 and that'll give you a very accurate estimate. More traffic = more leads. Guaranteed. Your $150 covers up to 10,000 new leads each month.
What data do I get?
Not all website visits are successfully resolved but those that are usually have the following information:
First name
Last name
Email address
Mailing address
Current home's value
Home buying price range
Homeownership status
Dwelling type
Household income
Zip code classification
Marital status
Occupation category
Education level
Household net worth
# children
Adults in household
Credit score range
more coming soon
Imagine the possibilities if you knew this much about your website visitors.
For $150 per month or $1,500 per year, you'll get up to 10,000 resolutions (leads).
Send an email to [email protected] with the subject "Nurturelyx" to get your first 30 days completely free of charge.
You simply need to add 1 line of code to your website and the leads will be sent to a secure account that only you can access.